Interrupt List
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Interrupt List

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This information was extracted from Ralph Brown's Interrupt List (r52) by
Peter Quiring.  You may distribute this freely.

Interrupt Helper v1.0               d-4B8102DX0000

INT 4B - Virtual DMA Specification (VDS) - GET VERSION
	AX = 8102h
	DX = 0000h
Return: CF clear if successful
	    AH = major version number
	    AL = minor version number
	    BX = product number (see #2472)
	    CX = product revision number
		always 0000h for QMAPS and HPMM.SYS
		always 0001h for Microsoft's EMM386.EXE v4.20-4.41
	    DX = flags (see #2474)
	    SI:DI = maximum DMA buffer size
	CF set on error
	    AL = error code (see #2473)
Note:	bit 5 of 0040h:007Bh is supposed to be set if VDS is supported; this is
	  apparently not always the case
SeeAlso: INT 2C/AX=002Bh,INT 31/AX=0400h
Index:	installation check;Virtual DMA Spec

(Table 2472)
Values for VDS product number:
 0000h	for Quadtel's QMAPS and Hewlett-Packard's HPMM.SYS
 0001h	for Microsoft's EMM386.EXE
 0003h	for Windows 3.x WIN386.EXE
 0300h	OS/2 (all versions to date)
 0EDCh	for DR DOS 6.0 EMM386.SYS
 4560h	("E`") for Qualitas' 386MAX
 4D43h	("MC") for V Communications' Memory Commander
 5145h	("QE") for Quarterdeck's QEMM-386
 524Dh	("RM") for Helix's Netroom RM386

(Table 2473)
Values for VDS error code:
 01h	region not in contiguous memory
 02h	region crossed a physical alignment boundary
 03h	unable to lock pages
 04h	no buffer available
 05h	region too large for buffer
 06h	buffer currently in use
 07h	invalid memory region
 08h	region was not locked
 09h	number of physical pages greater than table length
 0Ah	invalid buffer ID
 0Bh	copy out of buffer range
 0Ch	invalid DMA channel number
 0Dh	disable count overflow
 0Eh	disable count underflow
 0Fh	function not supported
 10h	reserved flag bits set in DX

Bitfields for VDS flags:
Bit(s)	Description	(Table 2474)
 0	PC/XT bus (DMA in first megabyte only)
 1	physical buffer/remap region in first megabyte
 2	automatic remap enabled
 3	all memory is physically contiguous
 4-15	reserved (zero)
Interrupt Helper v1.0               d-4B8103

INT 4B - Virtual DMA Specification - LOCK DMA REGION
	AX = 8103h
	DX = flags (see #2475)
	ES:DI -> DMA descriptor structure (see #2476,#2477,#2478)
Return: CF clear if successful
	    DDS physical address field filled in
	    DDS buffer ID field filled (0000h if no buffer allocated)
	CF set on error
	    AL = error code (see #2473)
	    DDS region size field filled wth maximum contiguous length in bytes
BUGS:	Windows 3.0 does not correctly support automatic remapping or copying
	  in enhanced mode
	Windows 3.0 in enhanced mode does not return a correct code on error
SeeAlso: AX=8104h,AX=8105h

Bitfields for VDS flags:
Bit(s)	Description	(Table 2475)
 0	reserved (zero)
 1	data should be copied into buffer (ignored if 2 set)
 2	buffer should not be allocated if region noncontiguous or crosses
	  physical alignment boundary specified by 4-5
 3	don't attempt automatic remap
 4	region must not cross 64K physical alignment boundary
 5	region must not cross 128K physical alignment boundary
 6-15	reserved (zero)

Format of DMA descriptor structure (DDS):
Offset	Size	Description	(Table 2476)
 00h	DWORD	region size
 04h	DWORD	offset
 08h	WORD	segment/selector
 0Ah	WORD	buffer ID
 0Ch	DWORD	physical address

Format of Extended DMA descriptor structure (EDDS):
Offset	Size	Description	(Table 2477)
 00h	DWORD	region size
 04h	DWORD	offset
 08h	WORD	segment/selector
 0Ah	WORD	reserved
 0Ch	WORD	number available
 0Eh	WORD	number used
 10h	DWORD	region 0 physical address
 14h	DWORD	region 0 size in bytes
 18h	DWORD	region 1 physical address
 1Ch	DWORD	region 1 size in bytes

Format of Extended DMA descriptor structure (EDDS) with page table entries:
Offset	Size	Description	(Table 2478)
 00h	DWORD	region size
 04h	DWORD	offset
 08h	WORD	segment/selector
 0Ah	WORD	reserved
 0Ch	WORD	number available
 0Eh	WORD	number used
 10h	DWORD	page table entry 0 (same as 80386 page table entry)
 14h	DWORD	page table entry 1
Note:	bits 1-11 of the page table entries should be zero; bit 0 set if page
	  is present and locked
Interrupt Helper v1.0               d-4B8104

INT 4B - Virtual DMA Specification - UNLOCK DMA REGION
	AX = 8104h
	DX = flags
	    bit 0: reserved (zero)
	    bit 1: data should be copied out of buffer
	    bits 2-15 reserved (zero)
	ES:DI -> DMA descriptor structure (see #2476,#2477) with region size,
		  physical address, and buffer ID fields set
Return: CF clear if successful
	    DDS physical address field set
	    DDS buffer ID field set (0000h if no buffer allocated)
	CF set on error
	    AL = error code (see #2473)
	    DDS region size field filled wth maximum contiguous length in bytes
Note:	Windows 3.0 does not check whether the region extends beyond the end of
	  a segment
BUG:	Windows 3.0 in enhanced mode does not return a correct code on error
SeeAlso: AX=8103h,AX=8106h
Interrupt Helper v1.0               d-4B8105

	AX = 8105h
	DX = flags (see #2479)
	ES:DI -> Extended DMA descriptor structure (see #2477,#2478)
		  region size, linear segment, linear offset, and number avail
		  fields set
Return: CF clear if successful
	    EDDS number used field set
	    if DX bit 6 set, lower 12 bits of BX = offset in first page
	CF set on error
	    AL = error code (see #2473)
	    EDDS region size field filled with max length in bytes that can be
		  locked and described in the EDDS table
BUG:	Windows 3.0 in enhanced mode may return zero instead of the physical
	  page address for pages which were originally not present
SeeAlso: AX=8103h,AX=8106h

Bitfields for VDS flags:
Bit(s)	Description	(Table 2479)
 0-5	reserved (zero)
 6	EDDS should be returned with page table entries
 7	only present pages should be locked (not-present pages receive entry
	  of 0000h)
 8-15	reserved (zero)
Interrupt Helper v1.0               d-4B8106

	AX = 8106h
	DX = flags (see #2480)
	ES:DI -> Extended DMA descriptor structure (see #2477,#2478) returned
		  by AX=8105h
Return: CF clear if successful
	CF set on error
	    AL = error code (see #2473)
Note:	according to the Microsoft version of the VDS specification, the
	  actual scatter/gather list is ignored, while according to the IBM
	  version of the specification, "the result of a LOCK operation"
	  must be provided to this function
SeeAlso: AX=8104h,AX=8105h

Bitfields for VDS flags:
Bit(s)	Description	(Table 2480)
 0-5	reserved (zero)
 6	EDDS contains page table entries
 7	EDDS may contain not-present pages (entry = 0000h)
 8-15	reserved (zero)
Interrupt Helper v1.0               d-4B8107

INT 4B - Virtual DMA Specification - REQUEST DMA BUFFER
	AX = 8107h
	DX = flags
	    bit 0: reserved (zero)
	    bit 1: data should be copied into buffer
	    bits  2-15 reserved (zero)
	ES:DI -> DMA descriptor structure (see #2476) with region size set
		  (also region offset and region segment if DX bit 1 set)
Return: CF clear if successful
	    DDS physical address and buffer ID set
	    DDS region size filled with length of buffer
	CF set on error
	    AL = error code (see #2473)
SeeAlso: AX=8108h
Interrupt Helper v1.0               d-4B8108

INT 4B - Virtual DMA Specification - RELEASE DMA BUFFFER
	AX = 8108h
	DX = flags
	    bit 0: reserved (zero)
	    bit 1: data should be copied out of buffer
	    bits 2-15 reserved (zero)
	ES:DI -> DMA descriptor structure (see #2476,#2477) with buffer ID set
		  (also region size/region offset/segment if DX bit 1 set)
Return: CF clear if successful
	CF set on error
	    AL = error code (see #2473)
BUG:	under Windows 3.0 Enhanced mode, you must specify that data be copied
	  for this function to work correctly
SeeAlso: AX=8107h
Interrupt Helper v1.0               d-4B8109DX0000

INT 4B - Virtual DMA Specification - COPY INTO DMA BUFFER
	AX = 8109h
	DX = 0000h
	ES:DI -> DMA descriptor structure (see #2476,#2477) with buffer ID,
		  region segment/offset, and region size fields set
	BX:CX = starting offset into DMA buffer
Return: CF clear if successful
	CF set on error
	    AL = error code (see #2473)
BUG:	Windows 3.0 Enhanced mode does not correctly interpret the copy count
SeeAlso: AX=810Ah
Interrupt Helper v1.0               d-4B810ADX0000

INT 4B - Virtual DMA Specification - COPY OUT OF DMA BUFFER
	AX = 810Ah
	DX = 0000h
	ES:DI -> DMA descriptor structure (see #2476,#2478) with buffer ID,
		  region segment/offset, and region size fields set
	BX:CX = starting offset into DMA buffer
Return: CF clear if successful
	CF set on error
	    AL = error code (see #2473)
BUG:	Windows 3.0 Enhanced mode does not correctly interpret the copy count
SeeAlso: AX=8109h
Interrupt Helper v1.0               d-4B810B

INT 4B - Virtual DMA Specification - DISABLE DMA TRANSLATION
	AX = 810Bh
	BX = DMA channel number
	DX = 0000h
Return: CF clear if successful
	CF set on error
	    AL = error code (see #2473)
SeeAlso: AX=810Ch
Interrupt Helper v1.0               d-4B810C

INT 4B - Virtual DMA Specification - ENABLE DMA TRANSLATION
	AX = 810Ch
	BX = DMA channel number
	DX = 0000h
Return: CF clear if successful
	    ZF set if disable count decremented to zero
	CF set on error
	    AL = error code (see #2473)
SeeAlso: AX=810Bh
Interrupt Helper v1.0               Q-4B810D

INT 4B - QEMM-386 - BUG
	AX = 810Dh
Note:	the code in QEMM v5.11 and 6.00 jumps to an invalid location on this

Creato da: Astalalista - Ultima modifica: 26/Gen/2004 alle 02:57
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